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T1 Tact Watch is a brand that designs rugged smartwatches for outdoor enthusiasts and hard workers.

- Jack Daniel

Ex-Military Engineer turned Entrepreneur




There are de­vices you need to be able to count on. Es­pe­cial­ly the things in our life that re­mind us of what is im­por­tant. That keeps us informed and con­nect­ed. For us, a watch has al­ways been on that list.

We've had sim­ple mod­els and smart ones. Watch­es that were ex­pen­sive and watch­es that were prac­ti­cal­ly dis­pos­able. But we've al­ways had one on our wrist. A watch is a re­minder of what's im­por­tant, that time is fi­nite, and we'd best spend what we have do­ing the things we love to do.

We're so proud to be able to bring you the T1 Tact Watch. A fan­tas­tic time­piece. Rugged, func­tion­al, com­fort­able and great look­ing, at a price that makes it ac­ces­si­ble to every­one. We can't thank you enough for vis­it­ing the site and shop­ping with us. 

- the team be­hind the T1 Tact Watch

We contribute 1% of our revenue to carbon removal

Do­ing good busi­ness means do­ing re­spon­si­ble busi­ness. So we're com­mit­ting a portion of every sale to a car­bon re­moval pro­gram to help save our plan­et.